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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The work was already intense… But I was in the center of a fire storm and didn’t even realize I was tasked to drive it forward. Saturday morning early our troopers took a hit that would eventually turn into 3 soldiers Duty Status - Whereabouts Unknown… and the boss was chosen to speak to it. Of course he would be… He is the spokesman. This is crisis management. This is what the news looks for. This is what we’re hired for. For every minute you see or hear him in the media there are hours – no days – spent getting it all ready to roll. Typically this is the environment I thrive in. Sad part is… I was exhausted long before this event. And now I have to jump into action with even less sleep, less confidence, less... Trying to muster my faculties is nearly impossible - this place has made me dumb; literally. It’s difficult to clear the cob webs. It’s tough to see beyond the fog. I know I’m not providing my best work. I realized the other day I a have acquired an interesting stutter. A very intriguing side effect of my mind searching while my mouth moves in the general direction I thought I wanted it to go before the words come out. I just give up talking.
I can write something witty… I can provide some deep observation… I can try to convey what it means to be here… But I will pass. Just know that I am still here… I’m accustomed to the thunderous incoming booms… appreciate them in a twisted way actually. I am still trying to make a difference… a little dumber at some things… perhaps a little more indifferent to others… and surely a hell of a lot more defiant to the rest.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Hollywood, you are still sharper than you may realize. Your knowledge more than makes up for perceived sluggishness at this point. Don't let them drag you down.

Anonymous said...

Phew! I was worried that someone else had taken over your blog with general postings a la AFRTS ads... "Don't leave things out on the counter!" That sort of thing. Interesting info about the stutter - sounds par for the course, given the surroundings and lack of sleep. Sounds like any job you take up when you get back will be like a relaxing nap in comparison. Don't worry about "deep observations" either - while it's always interesting, we're always glad to know you're hanging in there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,
You have always had higher expectations for yourself than anyone else and it's ok if you slip down and join us mere mortals every once in awhile.
Thank you for Wil's birthday present. You are so far away and always in danger but you remembered. It means a lot. We miss you so much here. You wouldn't belive how big Syme is. You'll recognize her only by her spots.
Take care. A

monster's mom said...

PGF, please don't be rude - nobody is taking over the blog. Let's not forget that there are a lot of people out there who aren't as conscious about the military as you are.