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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Return of Mr. CRM! - back on the air (again)…

We have a saying back home in Texas… If ya don’t like the weather… stick around a few minutes… It’ll change. Well that purdy much sums up my life here in Baghdad recently too. I apologize for not posting an entry for the past week but ya might say I’ve sorta been subjected to a change in the weather. It’s a bit of a yarn that I’m eager to share with ya’ll - full a’ the drama, intrigue and suspense of a Hollywood movie set in a war zone of the Middle East. Unfortunately, I’m sorta busy livin the story and not left with much time to write… So now I’m havin to make up for lost time. It’s a bit complicated by the fact that until yesterday, I didn’t even have a dedicated work space to sit much less enough computer time to set aside to write. Regardless I’ve had a bit of a transformation - mentally… physically… spiritually…
So I ask you sit a spell and have a bit of patience as I try to make up for a little lost time.


monster's mom said...

No! :)

Anonymous said...

Waiting with bated breath and an almost empty cup of coffee.