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Friday, January 26, 2007

Morrissey almost had it right...

I asked our YN2, "How you doin today?" A typical question I ask most people I run into. What's astonishing to most is my genuine interest. Her response? "I'm fine thank you sir. Just another day" I counter "But it's Friday" And at the very moment I say it I have the same realization that she confirms with her wry smile and short reply. "Everyday is Monday here sir." She's right of course. I've lost track of what Friday actually feels like. When you work 7 days a week, 14 -16+ hours a day, getting 4 hours of, sometimes uninterrupted, sleep, and receive incoming "fun" of all sorts - everyday becomes the same. I just haven't been here long enough to stop intuitively knowing what day it actually is. Routine goes beyond rut. Normal exceeds mundane. Time sort of stands still. Truly bizarre. I was chatting with a friend in the blast shelter (Post BOOM and vibrating wall of glass) yesterday and we both realized that the explosions and close calls are the only things that make your day interesting. How telling is it when you are so starved for external stimulus that you are actually excited about an event that carries the possibility of violent death or dismemberment? In the words of my dear friend Matt "It's all fun and games til someone looses and eye!"

Oh by the way Matt – we have ultimate Frisbee teams here in the IZ – Go figure!

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