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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Time for a little reflection…

As I make preparations for my early departure, I feel both an eagerness to move out and reluctance to leave battle buddies behind. For all intents and purpose this place became my home and this life abnormally familiar. I also have the beginning twinges of anxiety of returning to a life I left well over a year ago. I am well versed at "You can never go "home" again – because the "home" you left was a snapshot in time of both place and person. I know I've changed and I know the circumstances of those I knew has changed – how much will be determined by the comparison and contrast of those people and the places I used to know. The "home" I return to will require redefinition. I digress…

So where does that leave me now? Well as any good "Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years" show will prove… I am obliged to provide a brief reflection of beginning and end. With that… Something is very clear - The Baghdad I leave behind is not the Baghdad I arrived at a year ago. Regardless of your take on this conflict there is an undeniable sea change taking place here at the moment. On my arrival there was a palpable sense of resignation and uncertainty. Today there is a growing but cautious sense of optimism and new possibilities. There is still much to do and the challenges for this country are enormous but at least now there is a kernel of will and semblance of spirit. It grows by the day and I truly hope it is as infectious as the passion these folks here have for their country, history and religion.


residentlush said...

I'm guessing some of your snapshots are fairly recent. For others of us (slackers) there might be a bit more fading in those pictures. ;) But that's all part of the journey, isn't it?
We'll get the coals going and the beer cold. Godspeed, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Based on your recent post, will you be positing a final farewell message to your friends in Bagdad before leaving or have you already departed???? I know, I know....

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,

You think Bagdad is bad? We're having a writer's strike and don't get to see all of our tv shows! Although there's celebs all over the place! You can't walk down the street without bumping into movie stars.

What an incredible journey you've had there and we're going to be so happy to have you back home in sunny California. I'm happy to hear that there's a feeling of optimism and I hope it all works out for the best. And you know how I feel about this war!!! We'll be looking forward to seeing you soon and having a drink or two or three or....

Love, Pam